
The website is published by:

Company: Xavier Priour EIRL
SIREN: 797 655 487
Address: 10 rue Albert Laurenson - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France
In charge of publication: Xavier Priour
Phone: +33 9 73 52 99 03


It is hosted by:

Company: DigitalOcean
Address: 101 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor - New York, NY 10013, United States
Hosting location: London (United Kingdom)


We collect information during your use of TimeTom, including your name. This information is used by our teams for customer support, sales and marketing, and statistical studies and publication.

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We abide by French law « informatique et libertés » January 6th, 1978 modified 2004. You have a right to access and update any personal information by:

You may object to our collection of your data. In that case, you cannot use our service.

We use cookies for some of our information collection, their use is mandatory. If you disable them, you will not be able to use our services.

This system has been declared to CNIL (French privacy regulator) under ID 1881960.